Bee Keepers from all over Queensland come to Kingaroy to take a tour though a local bee keeping supplies manufacturing business.
Burnett Bee Keeping Supplies owner, David Horton, said “We had lots of bee keepers interested in how we make our products. We were then approached by bee keeping clubs to do open days for their members.”
“They love that we do all the manufacturing for both the timber bee keeping products and wax foundation tools at the one location,” said Mr Horton.
“We have had bus loads come to our open days. We demonstrate the process from being a block of wax through to the end product of a wax foundation,” he said.
Burnett Bee Keeping is a true family run business, owned by husband wife team David and Gaye Horton in partnership with nephew Bruce and his wife Sonya.
Co-worker, Sonya Horton said “We get such wonderful feedback from the groups who come on a tour. We make a full day of it with lucky door prizes, morning and afternoon tea, a sausage sizzle and BBQ lunch.”
“They also love that we let them bring their own wax to trade for other products,” said Mrs Horton.
“We have had lots of bee keeping clubs bring a bus over and then make it an annual event,” said Mrs Horton.