$27.15$50.50 inc. GST


CERACELL BLUE TOP FEEDER. The best way to feed your bees. Easy to install. A breeze to fill with sugar syrup. No wastage.

This Top Feeder complete kit you get and assembled wooden rim ( Hoop Pine- Burnett Beekeeping Version), blue feeder tub, set of corner caps and a centre chimney cap. We listened to the beekeeping community, and here you have our new improved Ceracell Blue Top Feeder! It has all the benefits of the previous design. But as we all know, beehives are mounted sloping slightly forward, and when feeding the bees sugar syrup in a top feeder with only a centre chimney cap there is always half a Litre that the bees can’t get to. Now with our patented protected corner access system bees will now have access to all the syrup you feed them.  This is the new industry standard!